Heimana Reynolds. 1st year in the Pro Division at the Vans Pool Party. And his runs are insane. Kid is on fire. And then he over rotates on a big backside air and in a split second is headed for the worst slam of his life.
If he wasn’t wearing a helmet he might have died. Head explosion. And if he had a soft foam non-certified helmet on he probably would have been knocked out for at least 5 minutes and had the full body spams and probable traumatic brain injury. But… he was wearing an S1 Lifer Helmet. The S1 Lifer Helmet is constructed with EPS Fusion Foam which protects your head and minimizes high impacts. He def got knocked out for a few seconds. But he came through ok. And he walked out of the bowl with some help. The medics checked him out and he was ok’d to finish his heat. He ended up placing 12th place in his first year skating in Vans Pool Party.
Like most skaters, Heimana grew up wearing the soft foamy non-certified helmets and he just switched to the more protective S1 Lifer Helmet last year.
“He KO’d for a few seconds and he was able to do his 3rd skate run and walk away from this slam with a headache and no memory loss or life threatening conditions.” – Matt Reynolds (Heimana’s Dad)
“Thank god for the S1 Lifer Helmet.” – Matt Reynolds
Check out the Thrasher footage / Hall of Meat / Heimana Reynolds
Skate Legends Jeff Grosso and Eddie “El Gato” Elguera came down to help.
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